Meet the Director

Misty Prater

Welcome to the Stevens Point Catholic Schoolhouse Chapter Website!

I am the wife of Jacob and Momma of five kiddos ranging in age from newborn-12. We started homeschooling in 2018, half-way through my eldest’s first grade year. It was a good fit for our family and so continued. Our homeschooling journey started with doing a program similar to Catholic Schoolhouse only not Catholic. While learning a lot and loving the friends we met, I always wanted to be part of a Catholic community. We had the opportunity to be part of a Catholic Schoolhouse community for a year and loved the experience. After that experience I decided to start a community closer to home. It is wonderful to be able to serve the Stevens Point area Catholic Homeschoolers!

My prayer is that our chapter is a place for our children and us as parents to grow in holiness, learn truth, and support one another in our homeschooling journey.

If you have questions please do not hesitate to reach-out: